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Jornae has spent several years serving as a public health professional with a passion to make healthy living attainable for all through various avenues. Personally and in her career she’s learned that making a change takes time and lifestyle transformation can not be accomplished overnight.  Jornae has been on this journey for over a decade of eliminating certain foods for a period of time, realizing that she no longer desired to consume them and substituting that item for a healthier alternative. One of those substitutions has been skim milk to almond milk but she was not satisfied with what was sold in stores so she created her own. She shared her creation with coworkers and was encouraged to sell and then came Pro•duce Milk.

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It's what's on the inside that counts

Our slogan, “Small Steps Produce Results”, goal is to inspire people to choose a healthier lifestyle. Our hope is that Produce Milk will be your first healthy choice that will lead to a lifestyle of healthy choices. For individuals, with the desire to live a healthier lifestyle, our mission is to make their goals more attainable for themselves, their families, and their communities.

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